Community Views on Planning Issues

4.1. In discussion with the community the clear priority of residents was the need to protect the greenbelt as far as is possible in line with national planning guidance’, access to the countryside and green spaces, and the conservation areas, which contribute significantly to the relative tranquillity and rural character of the village.

4.2. The following views were also expressed:

o Development must be sympathetic and proportional to the existing character of different areas of the village.

o Protecting and wherever possible enhancing the high street and its local businesses and shops by allowing continued appropriate development was considered vital to ensure the village continues to thrive.

o The need for affordable housing, including key worker housing, not least to ensure local schools can attract and retain vital teaching staff.

o It is considered essential that the village’s non-selective secondary education provision be restored, following the closure of the non-selective secondary school in 2019.

o Concerns around retrospective planning, which it is recognised is difficult to address, the overuse of infilling and the building of properties which are out of character with the existing village stock and design was also repeatedly highlighted.

o Protecting and further enhancing community facilities such as Burnham Park Hall, Burnham Park, play areas, the George Pitcher Memorial Ground and Cherry Orchard, Burnham Library, and school pitches to encourage wellbeing in the community.

o Sustainable travel options, including sufficient bus routes and cycle provision.

o A desire to protect and retain the current green belt as far as is possible in line with national planning guidance.

o Concerns around the potential encroachment from further expansion of the Slough urban form into Burnham; and the importance that Burnham and Buckinghamshire Council are both fully consulted on any such proposals.

o The need for further highways work to address existing issues, for example around the high street.

o The protection of woodland including both areas currently protected and areas not currently protected.