2024 – 2045
Published by Burnham Parish Council for Submission Consultation under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulation 2012 (as amended)
Of necessity, this Neighbourhood Plan is a detailed technical document. The purpose of this page is to explain the structure and help you find your way around the plan.
This section explains the background to this Neighbourhood Plan and how you can take part in and respond to the consultation.
This section details many of the features of the designated area.
This rather technical section relates this Plan to the National Planning Policy Framework and the planning policies of Buckinghamshire Council.
This section explains the community involvement that has taken place.
This key section firstly provides a statement on the Neighbourhood Plan Vision and Objectives. It then details Policies which are proposed to address the issues outlined in the Foreword and in Section 4. There are also Policy Maps and additional information in the Appendices to which the policies cross reference.
This section explains how the Plan will be implemented and future development guided and managed. It suggests projects which might be supported by the Community Infrastructure Levy which the Parish Council will have some influence over. Finally, it deals with a number of issues which although relevant are outside the scope of a Neighbourhood Plan.
Supporting documentation including Policy Maps, Appendicies and additional evidence are contained in this section.
“The Burnham Neighbourhood Plan plays an essential role in allowing residents to shape the future of the village in which they live and work and can have significant influence on new development proposals. Once approved by a community referendum, the Plan becomes a statutory part of the development plan for the Parish and carries significant weight in how planning applications are decided. In Section 5 we set out the vision and objectives for the plan. These objectives were built on the feedback received from residents around aspects of our villages which could change, be encouraged, or protected. First and foremost, there is a clear desire to protect our historic centre, conservation areas, areas of scientific interests around Burnham Beeches, and green spaces; and to protect and develop local services. At the same time, there is the need to encourage development focus towards brownfield sites, and towards good design principles. Change should help ensure we protect or improve the character of the village by protecting our community and commercial services, enhancing the viability and vitality of our village center. The Neighbourhood Plan has taken many hours of hard work by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group made up of residents, support from specialist consultants O’Neill Homer and successive Parish Council Clerks who have co-ordinated the administration of the plan under the advice of the steering group.”
Burnham Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group